Fantasia's friends are worried the American Idol alum will try and kill herself after her cheating boyfriend dumped her to go back to his estranged wife. Fantasia isn't coping well with the breakup and pals are worried she's having suicidal thoughts, according to Bossip.
Barrino's ex, Antwaun Cook, initially cheated on his wife Paula with Fantasia and left her and their two children for her, had a son with Fantasia, and then went back to his wife.
"Fantasia's friends are bracing for the worst. She isn't coping well with being dumped and she's saying crazy things, like she can't go on living without her man and that her life is over," an insider said.
"Fantasia thought that by having a child with Antwaun, she'd ensure he'd never reunite with Paula. But she was dead wrong. The parental responsibilities actually scared Antwaun away, and he never stopped secretly communicating with Paula."
Antwaun left Fantasia on Thanksgiving and has been back with Paula ever since. "She's been crying nonstop ever since and can barely get out of bed. Fantasia keeps muttering that this is karma coming back to bite her because she stole Antwaun from Paula," the source said.
In August 2010, Fantasia was hospitalized in North Carolina after officers responded to a suicide attempt when a friend found her in the closet of a home after "ingesting medication."
Fantasia fired back, setting the record straight with her fans, telling them she's not suicidal after the split with her ex-boyfriend "so stop trying to make me dead."
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